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Using Workplace Ergonomics to Maintain Optimal Health and Energy

Written By Discovery Chiropractic and Wellness Center on November 13, 2022

desk worker with back pain

The way that your workspace is set up, and the equipment you use, can affect your overall health and wellness in and out of the office. Workplace ergonomics is the creation of a harmonious workplace so that you can improve your health and energy levels and avoid fatigue and stress. If you’ve been searching for chiropractic care in Charlotte because your workplace is causing aches and pains, you can schedule an appointment with Dr. LaTanya Bowman here at Discovery Chiropractic and Wellness Center and follow these steps to improve your workplace ergonomics:

Maintain Proper Posture at the Computer

Improper posture can cause neck and back pain and strain, which might become permanent without posture correction and chiropractic care. If you improve your posture while sitting at your computer, you can reduce your risk of permanent aches and pains. You should sit with your feet flat on the floor and your thighs tilted slightly downwards. Your back should be against the back of your chair, and your head should be straight across your shoulders. When typing, keep your wrist level with and parallel to your desk.  

Use Ergonomic or Adjustable Office Equipment

Adjustable office equipment can help you maintain your posture and prevent eye strain and muscle aches and pains. An adjustable office chair can be set to the appropriate height so that your leg and foot placement is optimal. You can adjust the tilt of the set and the height and placement of your armrests to further improve your posture. A monitor stand can keep your computer monitor at eye level, and a wrist pad can prevent wrist pain or overuse while typing. You might also consider an adjustable height desk so that you can turn your desk into a standing desk as needed. 

Rearrange Your Workspace

Another easy way to improve your workplace ergonomics is to rearrange your workspace so that items you use frequently are in easy reach. Repetitive stress injuries and muscle strain can be avoided if you minimize the amount of time you have to spend bending, lifting, stretching, and reaching for items or equipment during the workday. 

At Discovery Chiropractic and Wellness Center, We Can Ease Workplace Strain and Stress

If you’ve been Googling “chiropractor near me in Charlotte” because you have back or neck pain or strain from your job, we can help you with chiropractic care, posture correction, and education on workplace ergonomics. We offer holistic, customized chiropractic care that can reduce pain and eliminate strain from workplace injuries.

Call us today at (704) 946-2054 or schedule an appointment online.

Posted In: Chiropractic Back Pain Ergonomics